Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Pedestal cores

A half sheet of MDF in block form, with the profile marked out on 2 sides.

A trip thru the band saw. Note the slices are facing up.

Another trip thru the saw. Slices still facing up.

The two offcuts from that last step are taped back on. The slices are now facing sideways. I drew a pencil line down the top kerf (the left side when the slices were facing up) so it could be seen in the photo. The bottom kerf is there, it's just hard to see.

Two more trips thru the band saw produce another left and right offcut, but this time those offcuts have the cuts from the first two trips thru the band saw in them.

The right offcut falls back into its now 3 pieces.

Peel the other offcuts apart, and the pedestal core reveals itself.

The first real idea of what this thing's going to look like.

As of yesterday at 5:51PM, the veneer is in Germantown, WI.

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